Jon D. Samuels
I am empirical macroeconomist studying the impact of technological change and the drivers of economic growth and structural change. My research uses economic theory to build novel datasets to analyze questions like why is the economy growing or shrinking, what are the driving forces of productivity growth, what are the prospects for future growth, and what are the origins of economic competitiveness.
I was awarded the Gold Medal by the U.S. Department of Commerce for my contributions to economic measurement. I am currently Chief of the National Accounts Research Group at the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA).
Recent Work
August 2023 Telecommunications Policy paper with Mun Ho and Koji Nomura on "The growing impact of ICT productivity via the cost of capital: Evidence from the U.S. and Japan" in memory of Dale W. Jorgenson.
June 2023 BEA Working paper on "Introducing Demographic Labor Market Data into the U.S. National Accounts"
June 2023 BEA Working paper on "Introducing Consumer Durable Digital Services into the BEA Digital Economy Satellite Account"
April 2023 NBER Working Paper on "After Redefinition TFP Accounting"
October 2022 Presentation "Regional Labor Input Price Gaps Across the U.S."
June 2022 Article "Retrospective Look at How the COVID–19 Recession Compared to the Great Recession"
May 2022 Plenary Session presenter U.N. Network of Economic Statisticians on "Disaggregated National Accounts"
April 2022 Presentation to U.N. Network of Economic Statisticians on "Measuring Wellbeing through the Level of Living"
March 2022 Presentation to the NBER Conference on Research in Income and Wealth on "TFP Accounting with Secondary Production"
October 2021 Working Paper on the "Contribution of Reallocation to U.S GDP Growth"
May 2021 Presentation to the BEA Advisory Committee on "Labor Market Outcomes within the U.S. National Accounts"